Die Off
The next is a documentary called "Oil, Smoke and Mirrors". It ties the impact of Peak Oil to the events we're witnessing today including 911. Here are three quotes from two of the most knowledgeable scholars on Peak Oil that I've found.
Richard Heinberg:
- "And yet people won't be talking about the Oil Peak. They'll be talking about the unemployment figures. They'll be talking about the high price of food. They’ll be talking about the fact that you can’t get on an airliner and travel any more because all the airline industry has collapsed. There are only a few carriers still in business, and the tickets are astronomically expensive. They’ll be talking about the latest war or terrorist incident. And they will have completely lost sight of the one event that caused all those effects."
Colin Campbell:
- "They're going to have to wipe out just mountains of capital."
- "Also, there is so much debate about this date of Peak (Oil). It really misses the point to a certain degree because whether the peak comes this year, next year, or in ten years time (it) doesn't really make that much difference because it's not a high peak. It's only the maximum of a rather gentle curve. And the real impact of that which is beginning to be realized is not the peak itself, but the vision of the long decline that follows peak. And that is a relentless, remorseless decline that goes on forever. At 2 or 3 percent per year that's not individually very much, but that eats into our supply very seriously and ever worse."
Does any of that sound familiar? Some may have noticed the source for the name of my blog is in one of the quotes by Colin Campbell. I believe it sums up the issue of Peak Oil quite nicely. The documentary was released in 2006. Since that time I have monitored the news for mention of the myriad effects caused by Peak Oil as outlined above by Richard Heinberg. If you have an hour to spare I urge you to watch "Oil, Smoke and Mirrors". If you have $20 dollars to spend I urge you to buy the DVD at their website. It has another hour or so of information on it.
Since 911 I have been trying desperately to make sense of the madness of the world today. There are many burning questions we all have as to why this great nation of our has fallen so far so fast. It seems to be continuing to fall at an increasing rate. I found the answers to those burning questions through many resources on the Web. None, however, has been as concise or as informative as these two.
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