Saturday, July 5, 2008


Peak Oil. That is basically the gist of this blog. Those two simple words represent the greatest challenge the world has ever seen. It is more destructive than Katrina or the Midwest Floods, more deadly than the Indian Ocean Tsunami, more global than the Tambora Volcano eruption of 1815. If Global Warming is the "rock", then Peak Oil is the "hard place". And like Global Warming, Peak Oil is unfolding slowly. Also like Global Warming, Peak Oil has achieved momentum that is hard, maybe impossible to overcome. But unlike Global Warming, Peak Oil's impact is and will be uniquely human. On a more darkly positive note Peak Oil may in fact be the ultimate solution to Global Warming.
The purpose of this initial post is to try and impart the magnitude of the issue we're facing. There is much to say, much to learn, but I am poorly qualified for this task. Even so, every journey starts with the first step, and every blog starts with it's first entry. It is very important to get that out of the way. In future posts I hope to provide links to resources that I have found useful in understanding the fix we're in and to provide a forum from which this understanding can spread.

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