Sunday, December 7, 2008

They'll Be Talking About The Unemployment Figures

Obama was elected. Yay! I wish him luck. I wish us all luck....except for the Fucking Republicans. May they all rot in Hell. But this post is not about them. It's about us. Us being the vast majority of U.S. Citizens who are lucky to have any kind of job. Almost a million jobs lost over the last three months which means more jobs will be lost as the impact of lost spending power hits bottom lines. It's so weird. I've spent most of the last 8 years unemployed or very underemployed. But thanks to BushCo I now have a temp job that is about to go permanent. Property Preservation. That's my new industry. There's lots of property to preserve. Shit, Goddamn, get off your ass and jam! The industry is rivaled only by the Repo industry that is also doing very well. Shit, Goddamn, get off your ass and jam! And here's me about to get a real job with benefits and everything. Why? 'Cuz I show up to work on time every day, and can write a coherent sentence. Or maybe because I do the shit job in my industry, and I do it very well. You see, I follow up after the devastation and turn off the utilities when a property has sold. Eighty percent of the job is easy and noble, but twenty percent is hard and requires the talents of an ass wipe. But I do it. For the benefits. For the income. For the sanity of a daily routine that doesn't involve 8 or more hours a day watching and waiting for operation brown fan to reach its ultimate conclusion. They say 6.7 percent unemployment. Bullshit. Maybe 11 to 15 percent unemployment is more accurate with more to come. Not because of Peak Oil. Noooo! We can't acknowledge that. If we acknowledge Peak Oil then we acknowledge that what awaits us makes the Great Depression look like a cake walk. But it's getting harder and harder to disregard Peak Oil. Yeah, the price of oil is way down. Who needs energy when people aren't working? Just think for a moment of how much our economy had to decline to destroy enough demand to justify $40.00 a barrel oil. But happy days are here again for me. I got me a real job. And I've started to drink. Heavily. Time to orphan the blog.

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